Why work with us

Our Partnership with you....

At Kit for Kids we create products to improve the lives of children worldwide. We focus on the aspects of a child's journey that really matter. 

It's not about selling the product; it's about delivering excellence to the end user. Excellence in this respect means the proposition of value for money, choice and great service

British Design 

All of our products are designed in house by our talented team of designers 

Trade Support Area

You will have access to our website so you can easily access marketing material 

Catalogue Marketing Support

Our design team will work your you to design catalogue pages, spread layouts and branding. This will maximise catalogue space and enhances our customer proposition  

Product Development

We are happy to work in partnership with you to develop and bring your product ideas to life

Carpet Recycling and Reuse

Kit for Kids have been exploring ways in which we can improve our own environmental footprint. Our carpets make up 52% of our total product offering so this was the first category to explore. We want to build sustainability into our product journey from the very beginning as well as into the culture of the wider organisation.

See below a link to our ideas of how to reuse or recycle your carpet. 

7 ways to reuse your carpet

If you are interested in working with us feel free to contact Chris Holliday our Business Development Manager by email C.Holliday@kitforkids.com or calling 01732 468 161